Sunday, October 18, 2009

Foxpro Notes 1: Modification on Foxpro Auto-generated Stored Procedure

Last tuesday, I was being asked to support development with Visual Foxpro 9.0. I have setup Foxpro database according to specification except foreign key constraint. The auto-generated foreign key constraint will restrict the direct data entry from the form.

I have looked for help at "". Tushar from India has provided me 2 clues to derive the solution. Really appreciate for his help.

  1. Add "IF !EMPTY(foreignkey)" to bypass the foreign key constraint checking code

  2. Add round brackets () for the variable lcParentWkArea in statement "unlock record pnParentRec in lcParentWkArea". Thhe new statement is "unlock record pnParentRec in (lcParentWkArea)"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Web Notes 1: Way to Setup CGI Environment

Recently, I have written javascript to paste data from excel sheet into input elements of web form. The javascript function invoked on "onpaste" event is successful implemented on IE but the integration of javascript into cgi script fails due to my empty knowledge about cgi. Thus, i decided to setup cgi environment in company's computer.

Wah, it's really a hard time to search and understand the pieces of relevant information. I have spent whole morning and finally success. The following are the main steps to setup CGI environment in Window XP with Apache Tomcat server. The IIS may also be used as the server.

  1. Install Perl: I obtained the installer from ""

  2. Install Apache Tomcat Server: I obtained the installer from ""

  3. Uncomment cgi portion in "conf/web.xml" at Apache root folder

  4. Insert "privileged="true"" in context element of respective xml file of the web applications

  5. By default in "web.xml", the cgi scripts should be placed in "WEB-INF/cgi". The following is the sample cgi script for testing:

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" ;
    print <<HTML ;
    <head><title>CGI Results</title></head>
    <h1>Hello, world.</h1>

  6. By default, the cgi scripts can be accessed under "cgi-bin" at the root of web application

You can refer to for more details to setup cgi environment in Apache Tomcat 6.0. The debug information can be found in "logs" folder at Apache root folder.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Research Notes 2: Literature in Plan

  1. Data stream mining algorithms: Understand the data stream mining mechanisms that can be integrated and evaluation criteria against concept drift

  2. Parallel data mining: Understand the frameworks, mechanisms and evaluation criteria

  3. Ensemble mining: Understand the frameworks and mechanisms

  4. Multi-Stream Mining: Understand the frameworks, mechanisms and evaluation criteria against concept drift

  5. Spatio-Temporal Mining: Understand how the mining associate spatial and temporal relationship and evaluation criteria

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Research Notes 1: Notes to be taken when reading literature

Some preliminary thought on what to be taken down when reading literature is listed down. Just for sharing~~~

  1. What are the existing work it based on?
    "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" ~~ Isaac Newton
    Just like the quote from Newton, the existing work is essential to achieve new contribution. Thus, it is important to have basic understanding on existing work.

  2. What is its contribution?
    It is critical to understand the paper's contribution, so that we understand the impact and do not repeat their work.

  3. What is not done and related to our interested area?
    This is the most important part. We will need to advance our research on existing work.